How To Contact Our Guests:

Guest: Lauren Morrison Burns - Connect with Lauren on IG at @laurmburnsrd or at:

Guest: Dr. Marlene Kalouyan - Make an appointment with Dr. K at Womens Health Specialists West Hills - (818) 887-5000.


Episode 17

Eating For Gestational Diabetes

Mamas, in this episode you'll hear from our OBGYN Dr. Kalouyan and our Dietitian Lauren Morrison Burns for support and advice on how to eat for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Get real perspectives from moms who have gotten the diagnosis as well as practical advice from our guest experts. And if you missed our previous episode on gestational diabetes, you can listen to it here!


No material from our hosts or guests is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. We strive to provide you with education and information so that you can then go to your own provider and get an individualized approach to your medical needs and questions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in this podcast.

Show Notes:

Listen to our previous episode all about gestational diabetes here!

Get The Ultimate Gestational Diabetes Logbook here!

Gestational diabetes diagnosis: This diagnosis happens only in pregnancy and all women are susceptible to it because it has to do with pregnancy hormones that interfere with insulin even if you follow a perfect diet. You will have to learn your own body's reactions to food and adjust from there. Learn how to count your carbs and spread them out throughout the day. With those carbs, pair them with proteins and fats. The numbers and details can be overwhelming, but work with your doctor to find what works with your body. Make sure to TRACK all of your meals and snacks. In the 3rd-trimester blood sugars can be unpredictable and blood sugars may need to be more specific towards the end. The most important thing is to get your numbers where they need to be. Be honest with your healthcare provider and tell your doc if you need medication to help with management (insulin or metformin).

Blood Sugar Number Goals:

95mg/dl in the morning after fasting, and 140mg/dl after meals

What have been the best foods for your journey with GD?

Foods that helped Jessica and Dr. K when they had Gestational Diabetes were nuts, nut butters, whole milk grass-fed yogurt, chia seeds, berries, apples, walnuts, flax seeds, hemp hearts, Ella’s Flats (crackers), Keto Bombs, Soda Stream water and coffee with half & half (remember only 200mg of caffeine a day is recommended). It is also recommended that all foods during pregnancy be organic whenever possible.


Get creative and eat regularly to prevent feeling hangry.

Look for sugar substitutes (allulose, erythritol).

Apple cider vinegar… 1 tbsp in am helps with the management of blood sugar levels.

Lemon water can reduce carb absorption and even adding cinnamon to your foods improves satiation satiety.


Keep track of your numbers with a good Blood Glucose Log and Food Diary. Try this one!

Exercising after meals helps keep your numbers lower. Even going for a little walk does the trick!

Talk to your provider and find what works for you.

Be creative about recipes and find a community of other women who have gestational diabetes.

Consequences for untreated Gestational Diabetes

Sugar levels are shared with the baby and if not controled they can fatigue baby's pancreas.

There can also be a risk of higher birth weight, higher risk for shoulder dystocia, higher risk for c section.

Recommendations - ((There are affiliate links on this website which means, at no additional cost to you, we could receive compensation for our recommendations))

Baby Food masher

Enlightened ice cream

The New Mediterranean Cookbook

Real food for Gestational Diabetes book

Pinterest for keto recipes