Episode 13

Shoutout To The Dads

Happy Father's Day and thank you dads! Tune into this episode as we talk to 4 dads about their experience with entering into fatherhood and caring for their little ones. Get specific tips to support yourself, your relationship, and of course your baby.

Show Notes:

Dads have gotten less attention than mommies by history and the Post Partum Health Alliance states “Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) impact 1 in 10 new dads.” There is a good reason why dads can struggle with entering into fatherhood. They don’t carry the baby, they don’t have the change in hormones like oxytocin (attachment-related). It may not have been modeled very well to them. They can only do so much when baby arrives, especially if Mom is breastfeeding exclusively. So often you might find a dad expressing a sense of powerlessness or helplessness when he sees his partner and baby working through the struggles of babyhood. It’s important to understand our dads’ experiences

Tips from Dads:

Support each other when one person is struggling

Everybody has to take a minute (Dads and Moms) 

Pregnancy hormones will affect your relationship with your partner

You’ll move forward and figure it out

You don’t really get it until it happens

You’ll want to give back to your other dad friends

Read books for education and confidence 

Have trust and faith in your partner

You’ll grow as a person

Attend the doctor's appointments if you can 

Trust your instincts

Immense love is overwhelming

Dad guilt exists just like mom guilt

Bring the kids along to your activities

Get outside

Resentment will be there but its how you handle it

Things change rapidly as your kids grow, it’s hard

It gets easier over time


The balance of time is a challenge

Dads have feelings too

We have a lot to give

Remember to preserve your relationship with your partner

Kiss each other good night

Hold hands

Hug and kiss

Make time for one another

Do what you used to do before kids and bring them along

Try to maintain what you did before kids 

Model love in your relationship

Make sure everyone's needs are met

Keep communication lines open

Healthy relationships take work

Have compassion and empathy

Be forgiving of your partner

Respect one another

Say “this is what I need”

Say “I’ll take the baby”

Dad Hacks

Get them outside

Find a soothing sound baby likes

Have a sound machine

Take baby for a drive

Get out of the house

Explain things to your kids 

Have snacks, diapers, wipes always

The family unit

Accept the support available from extended family

Create a good environment for your kid

Connect with other dads

Everyone needs help

Where is your help going to come from?

Tips for new Dads

Don’t be scared

Be positive

You’ll need to have an active role

You’re having a huge impact on your baby's life

Have compassion for yourself, partner, and your marriage

Focus on healthy habits

Roll with the punches


No material from our hosts or guests is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. We strive to provide you with education and information so that you can then go to your own provider and get an individualized approach to your medical needs and questions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in this podcast.