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Guest: Jess McKee, RN, Lactation Consultant: 

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Episode 15

Breastfeeding (Part 2 of 2)

Hey Mamas! If you are breastfeeding then tune into this episode to get all of your questions answered! Myths are debunked and facts are provided (everything from pumping, to weaning, to signs of hunger is covered). You'll learn so much from Jess McKee, our go-to lactation consultant. (If you missed part 1 please click here to listen.

Products Recommended In This Episode:

Imani2 pump 

Evenflow Balance Bottle


No material from our hosts or guests is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. We strive to provide you with education and information so that you can then go to your own provider and get an individualized approach to your medical needs and questions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in this podcast.

Show Notes:

Foremilk- milk that comes out first

Hindmilk-milk that comes out last

PLEASE DON’T STRESS ABOUT FOREMILK OR HINDMILK. It is only an issue if you are maybe shortening your feeds and timing feeds. The more frequent you feed the fattier the milk is, the longer the milk stays in the breast, the more watery it can be. 

Can pumping to soon create an oversupply? 

You usually don’t need to pump in the first few weeks as long as baby is feeding well. The hormonal push is so big in that first few weeks you don’t need to pump. Oversupply can happen if you are feeding 10x/day and pumping

What is recommended with pumping? 

3-5 weeks old you can start to pump and introduce a bottle

6 weeks old you can start to pump 1x/day

Myth: Drinking more water increases supply

Drinking more water does not produce more milk. You get thirsty because the oxytocin is being released and the muscles around the breast are contracting to get the milk out. 


Just drink to quench your thirst. Don’t stress about drinking a ton of water unless you are actually thirsty and want it. 

Myth: Drink milk to increase your supply

Drinking milk does not create more milk. 

How is milk made?

It is made when you are pregnant in the 2nd trimester in little sacs within the breast. When you have the baby the sacs release the milk. When you wean, the sacs go away. 

Signs of Hunger:

When the baby is hungry they have a tense face, furrowed brow, hands being clenched or in a fist means they are hungry. As they get fuller their hands will relax more. 

Let down: some people can feel it, some can’t…feels like pins and needles for those who can feel it

Myth: Pump and dump removes alcohol from breastmilk

Pump and dump does not remove the alcohol from your milk because the milk is the same blood alcohol level as your blood. If you don’t want to waste the milk use if for a milk bath or soap. Your milk matches your blood alcohol level not the amount of alcohol you’ve taken in. 

There’s no shame if you want to have glass of wine or a beer you don’t need to be extreme and cut things out. There’s no need to deprive yourself. 


Alcohol restricts the let down reflex, you might notice a reduction of supply if you have a drink daily 

Myth: Dairy causes reflux

Dairy doesn’t usually effect reflux. Reflux usually has to do with the amount of air they swallow or their latch. What is the root cause for the fussiness? 

Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement of sodium bicarbonate and herbs (like fennel, ginger, chamomile, dill, lemon balm or peppermint, depending on the formula).” From what to expect

Hiccups: Caused by several reasons, pay attention to your babies needs and causes

Breastmilk Storage: 

After thawing frozen milk its good for 24hrs in the fridge 

4 days fresh in fridge

4 hrs fresh

6-12months in freezer 

After baby drinks from a bottle the milk its “dirty” 2hrs to finish it leave it on counter and

make several small bottles 

CDC table

Academy of breastfeeding protocols #8

Formula Storage: You can prepare the bottles or a jug of formula and leave it in the fridge. It is recommended to use boiled water to fill up bottles or jug. Put the water in the bottle first. If you add the powder first, you are taking up space for the water and you might not get the right ratio. 

*Some babies sleep better when fed formula at night, some don’t

Baby Weaning: 

8 months old baby can still be waking 1-2x/night to feed, perfectly normal

6 months old, youngest age to start cutting out feedings

6-18months old, still wake up at least 1x/night

1 year old or more, they don’t need night feedings for nutrition

Here are tips: 

-offer cup of water, other type of milk, or breastmilk in bottle

-get your partner involved

-if they wake up before midnight, try other things (rocking them, singing, etc)

-if they go 6-8hrs and then wake up to feed, that’s a long time 

-nurse them first 1-2x when they wake up, then try other comfort measures

-there will be a lot of protest, crying

General Tips:


If your stress level goes up while on social media, take a step back 

Product Recommendations:

((There are affiliate links on this website which means, at no additional cost to you, we could receive compensation for our recommendations))

Imani2 pump 

Evenflow Balance Bottle